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Alternative to Skidpan Training

Driver training aids offer an alternative to existing training techniques by making “skidpan type training” available as a mobile, go anywhere (within reason) , apparatus.
The use of such training apparatus is widely supported in both the United States and United Kingdom and is seen as great aid in instructing drivers , across the spectrum, in defensive driving.

Skidmonster is now avialble in South Africa

It should be noted that this is not a simulator but rather a device which attaches to the vehicle. This enables the driver to be skilled in a real car, in an environment which resembles real world driving conditions but at speeds which more readily allow for assimilation of habits.

What is the Skid Monster?
The SKID Monster is a set of castering wheels, capable of rotating 360 degrees, which is attached to the rear wheels. Simply remove the two rear wheels and bolt the SKID Monster in place. No permanent modification to the car are made! Driven with the castering device in a locked position, the SKID Monster handles like the average family car. However, whenever the instructor flips a switch to unlock the casters the back of the car swings, and simulates the effects of suddenly losing traction to the rear wheels -- resulting in a monstrous challenge.

The Skid Monster recreates, at 25 – 35 kph., conditions that occur at highway speeds. This gives an opportunity to safely make mistakes, survive, and learn from them!

What can be taught using the Skidmonster?
We have a Skid Monster Coach’s In-Car Guide that we teach trainers to use. The In-Car Guide contains two dozen lessons that can be taught to any driver, from the novice to the driver of an emergency vehicle. Each lesson helps the driver to learn and apply different driving behaviours, such as the concept of targeting to help drivers learn how to effectively use vision to lead the car with their eyes. When in a critical regain-car-control situation, looking in the wrong direction will cost the driver the slim opportunity to get the monster back in the cage. Other behaviours such as speed control clearly demonstrate how and when to use the acceleration and braking forces. The driver learns how costly 3 or 5 kilometers per hour of excessive speed can be.
The Skid Monster is Patent Registered.